
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Change or Reset Any User Account in Windows (even if you dont happen to know the password !!!)

If you are an administrator or have administrator access, you can change the password for any account on the machine. Simply follow these steps:

1. XP users: Go to the Start and click on Run and type "cmd" (without quotes) and press enter.
    Vista\7 users : Click on the Start orb and in the search box type "cmd" (without quotes) and press enter.
2. Now type "net user" (without quotes) in the command prompt to view all the user accounts on the computer.
3. Suppose you want to change the password of Administrator. For that, type "net user Administrator * " (without quotes) in the command prompt and press enter.
4. Now enter any password when prompted.
5. Enter the same password again to confirm.
Thats it!

To reset a password, when prompted for a password just press enter. Press enter again when you are asked to confirm the password.

NOTE: You need administrator access to change the password via this command. As you can see, this is a very powerful command, but it can also pose as a security threat. Let us consider a situation :

Suppose you are allowed or working in somebody's else Windows account. Then using this trick you can easily change/reset his password (even you would not be prompted for old password!!)

P.S : Thanks to Manish Chaudhary for this input

1 comment:

  1. Hi....
    As long as you're an administrator, you can change another user's password in Windows from the ... It's even easier to reset a Microsoft account password.
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